Welcome to First Class Teaching at Home.

Education and a lifelong love of learning is our passion!
At First Class Teaching (FCT), we strongly believe in delivering consistently high quality teaching through personalised learning programmes that will promote self-discipline, motivation and excellence in learning. The tutors are both recognised by Ofsted as 'outstanding teachers' and highly qualified. FCT tutors will enhance your child’s existing educational experiences; whether they are state educated or educated at home. FCT tutors know and understand that children succeed when working in safe, supportive environments, either at home or in one of our learning zones. 
At FCT, the tutors appreciate that education in schools is bound by strict timetables and so on occasions does not provide enough time for some children to embed their learning. We pride ourselves in being able to get to know the ‘whole child’ in order to provide quality personalised learning experiences accurately matched to the child’s learning needs in order for them to flourish and maximise their potential.
Call us now to see how we can help you and your child
Sam: 0779 345 3073 SammFCT@gmail.com
Mandy: 0777 337 0325 MandyFCT.co.uk@gmail.com 

FCT still empowering students!

FCT is proud to announce that we have now been successfully supporting pupils for over six years. During this incredible time, we have helped many students to prepare for their Key stage 1 phonics tests, Key Stage 1 SATs, Key Stage 2 SATs, 11+ entrance exams, and GCSE English with incredible results!

Students repeatedly tell us how their confidence and motivation to learn has improved and how they can use the strategies they have been taught by FCT in their learning at school.
Furthermore, parents constantly feedback how much their children look forward to the tutoring sessions and how they have seen their children grow in confidence
Parents also appreciate the weekly feedback from the FCT teachers, about their child’s learning and progress. This is an area that parents have commented not knowing enough about through schools - as there are fewer opportunities to engage with teachers outside of parents evening and annual reports.
Parents have also commented on how they have loved seeing how their children learn during these sessions. 
FCT always endeavour to work alongside classroom teachers, as we strongly believe that a strong dialogue is one of the keys to a child’s learning.

Home Learning Subjects
With our exemplary knowledge and understanding of the Primary National Curriculum, FCT can offer support in all areas of the school curriculum ensuring that your child's learning needs are met.
Follow the link below for more information of what we can offer.
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Learning Tools
At FCT we take the time to really get to know your child. By understanding your child's strengths and interests, FCT tutors can accurately match learning styles and preferences to improve learning outcomes as well as building confidence, self esteem and consolidate skills that can be applied to their learning.
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What is a Growth Mindset?
The Power Of 'YET'
Have you ever wondered why some children shy away from challenges?  Maybe years of struggle or a few bad experiences have convinced your child that “I’m just not good at that.”
Learning about fixed and growth mindsets will help change learning attitudes, allowing your child to lead a happy and fulfilled life full of lifelong learning and limitless potential.
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